It took me perhaps a year to fully flesh this logo out. It started out as a bit of a gawky looking thing and eventually grew into it's fully developed form when the time was right.
I can't truly attribute this logo to my own brain power. I believe it was a download. An inspired thought that found its way down through my pen.
A logo is meant to represent a person or a business and this logo does that perfectly. At the very core of my being is a deep desire for meaning.
To have so much meaning emanate through a couple of lines and dots on a page makes all my brain light up in all the happy ways.
Below are the different meanings of this logo that I currently know.
My initials
Bridie Roisin Verian.
Remember when it was cool to scribble your initials into everything?
We wanted the world to know we exist and our names hold the signature of our imprint. We exist here, now, in this exact formula.
Our names hold so much meaning. Where we have come from, the connections that made us possible & the hopes of what kind of people we might become.
Torch holding a flame
A source of light in the darkness. Like a flame, the truth can fight for itself but BRV acts as a torch bearer.
To create a container that holds the truth is my aim in all that I do. My images & my writing are how I specifically carve those containers. When I get that part right, the truth can shine brighter & more directly toward where it is darkest.
An arrow
The V turned on its side is the arrow that represents the crafted aim collections. Humans have used arrows for thousands of years and it symbolises steady, pointed aim towards a target.
Masculine & feminine principles
The masculine is depicted as the straight lines, the feminine is in the curve. Masculine & feminine principles exist not only within each person, they exist within everything - down to the cellular functions.
They are a fundamental element of the world and play through existence on multidimensional scale.
Mountains with horses & moon/sun
This was the first meaning I saw within the logo and it almost made me take a completely different turn in my life (story for another time).
Horses have been a guiding principle for me & I am deeply connected to mountain scenery. The dots represent the 5 'i's' within my name which I find amusing that there are so many.
My Irish heritage has made itself known through my name by stubbornly refusing to be understood. Try pronouncing Roisin... I dare you. People struggle enough with the name Bridie and that's the easy bit.